How to Create Your Best LinkedIn Profile

Many people don’t think about their LinkedIn profiles until they’re in the midst of searching for a new job. LinkedIn is an incredible job hunting resource, but it’s also an excellent network for professionals from all over the world to provide mutual support. To get the full benefit of your LinkedIn presence, you need more than an acceptable profile, you need one that can engage the people who will really understand you.

Why You Should Have a Profile on LinkedIn

Even if you aren’t looking for a new job, having a profile on LinkedIn is a professional necessity. Employers and recruiters from all over the world use LinkedIn to find talent. On top of that, it’s a way to stay in touch with other people in your industry, enabling you to stay on top of all of the latest industry trends. Failing to have a LinkedIn profile could hold you back professionally. If you’re serious about growing your career, you should make sure that you have the best LinkedIn profile you can possibly have.

Tips for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

Of course, LinkedIn is used by millions of people. How can you make sure that your profile is seen by the people who matter to you?

Fill Out Your Entire Profile

There are a lot of different areas to fill out in the profile section of LinkedIn. Make sure that you fill them all out. LinkedIn has a handy feature that allows you to see how much of your profile is completed. It also gives you tips as to how you can make your profile even better. Be sure to utilize these so that your chances of being seen by high-profile companies and recruiters are at their highest.

One key area to fill out is the summary section. This section is your area to shine. Here, you can write a brief narrative of your professional life so far, highlighting all of your accomplishments. You can really use this area to show off your personality (while keeping it all professional, of course).

In addition, you’ll also want to make sure that you use a high quality, professional photograph for your profile picture. Save your personal photos for your Facebook or Instagram accounts. Failing to have any kind of profile picture is also a sign to potential employers to move on to another profile.

Keywords Are Key

One thing that is often overlooked on LinkedIn is the use of keywords. Do some research and see what keywords prospective employers are listing on their job postings. This will give you some indication as to the words that you can put in your profile so that you’ll show up in their searches. The best places to employ relevant keywords are in your headline, your past and present job titles, the summary section, and the work experience section.

Network and Interact

LinkedIn is an excellent way to connect with other professionals in your field. Join LinkedIn groups that are related to your industry. Be sure to spend some time interacting with the content within the groups. Don’t be afraid to share relevant articles and information pertaining to your areas of expertise, both inside of the groups and on your newsfeed itself. You want to paint yourself as an expert in your particular area. The best way to do this is to showcase all of the things you know.

Insights on LinkedIn

If you know how to use it properly, you’ll be able to use your profile on LinkedIn to show what most drives you in your work, which happens to be where your strengths lie. This will assist you in finding new opportunities where you can put those strengths to work.

Treat It Like Your Resume (But It’s Not)

You want to be sure that your profile has the concrete accomplishments that your resume has. However, you should treat it more as a personal statement; it should always be in the first person. Think of it as a more engaging version of your resume.

Be Authentic

You shouldn’t be afraid to show off your personality on your profile. Just be sure to keep it professional. Include the things about you that you’re most proud of. Incorporate volunteer work you’ve done. Show how you’ve made the world better, and remember to include the skills that enabled you to do those things.

Making the Most of LinkedIn

Creating your best LinkedIn profile is on ongoing project. Update it as you grow and learn more about yourself and your work. It will be a door to rich relationships with people, organizations, and jobs if you put your authentic self into it.

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